
How To Tell What Speakers Are in Your Car (5 Tips)

Every car has speakers for playing music and radio shows during your drive. But there are so many different speakers out there, and some are better than others. You may be wondering how you can figure out what speakers are in your car.  Here are five tips for how to tell what speakers are in

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4 Ways to Tell If Your 5.1 Surround Sound Is Working

Object-oriented surround sound technology completely revolutionized how we perceive sound since the late 70s. However, like other sound systems out there, a 5.1 channel surround sound is bound to face several issues at one point in its lifetime. One such situation is when the surround sound doesn’t come out, or if it does, you can

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How Do Speakers Make Different Sounds? 

Speakers are a common fixture in many household and business settings, whether we are listening to music, recording audio, or discussing an important presentation at work. But despite their common appearance in our lives, the way speakers make the various sounds we enjoy almost everyday remains a mystery to many. Speakers make different sounds by

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How To Stop Speakers From Picking Up Radio Signals

How To Stop Speakers From Picking Up Radio Signals

Speakers, such as computer speakers, can sometimes pick up radio interference. Though harmless, it can be annoying and can even spook you when you least expect it. Fortunately, you can easily stop your speakers from picking up radio signals. Here’s how you can stop speakers from picking up radio signals: Check new installations. Move the

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Is Adding EQ Bad for Your Speakers

Is Adding EQ Bad for Your Speakers?

Equalizers, also known as “EQ,” are audio filters that isolate frequencies for manipulation. After tweaking frequencies, artists can manipulate audio to enhance sound quality. But is adding EQ bad for your speakers? While adding EQ is not bad for speakers in itself, excessive boosting of high or low frequencies can cause damage to your speakers

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How Much Should You Spend on Speakers vs. an Amplifier

How Much Should You Spend on Speakers vs. an Amplifier?

Unless you’re a musician or audio professional, you likely didn’t purchase an amplifier the last time you picked up a new pair of earbuds or TV speakers. Those looking for a higher quality sound system or greater control over their audio may want to consider looking into purchasing an amplifier. However, amplifiers are only necessary

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