Is a Soundbar as Good as a Surround Sound?

Ever since surround sound systems became a popular addition to users’ homes, many people kept wondering whether a traditional soundbar is just as good of an option, just a simpler one. So, is a soundbar as good as a surround sound? Well, you will need to continue reading our article if you want to find out!

Why You Should Choose a Soundbar

Let’s begin with soundbars. They are a great option for everyone that prefers a simpler, sleek design. Soundbars are much less bulky than surround sound systems since most of them come with two built-in speakers and are designed to fit in everywhere.


A lot of beginners state they love soundbars because they are very easy to set up and use. Moreover, you will connect them to your TV or other devices in a matter of minutes! A great thing about soundbars is that the majority of them are compatible with the most popular gadgets people use, such as a cell phone, TV, or tablet.

In addition, technology nowadays allowed soundbars to be manufactured with many pretty useful features. One of them is a wireless connection. Besides being able to connect your soundbar to your TV, you can also add extra speakers that you could pair with the soundbar via the Bluetooth feature. Therefore, by opting for a soundbar, you will be able to have a smaller device that will fit into almost any space without sacrificing a lot of great features more high-tech options offer.

Soundbars are also a better option for everyone that wants to save some money. While they aren’t always cheaper than surround sound systems, they are believed to be a more affordable option.

Some Reasons Why You Should Not Opt for a Soundbar

You won’t find a device on the market that doesn’t come with some downsides. So, we are dedicating this section of our article to a few vital disadvantages of soundbars.

Worse Sound Quality

We believe that today’s soundbars offer a high-quality sound. So, most users will not be able to tell the difference between them and the surround sound. However, as we know that many of our readers are experts, we need to mention that soundbars still offer a worse sound quality than the surround sound systems.

Moreover, a lot of soundbars come with integrated speakers. That means you won’t be able to move them around in order to improve your listening experience. Still, you can find great external speakers on the market. You can pair them with your soundbar and try to mimic the quality that a surround sound system will give you.

Less Flexibility

The truth is, there aren’t as many additional components for soundbars as there are for surround sound systems. Therefore, your options when it comes to personalizing your device to your liking will be limited. That’s especially a problem for all those that have larger spaces. They will need a much stronger performance from their speakers. Unfortunately, soundbars won’t be able to provide that. So, if you need something that you will be able to change as you please, a soundbar might not be for you.

Reasons to Opt for a Surround Sound System

The main upside of a surround sound system lies in the fact that it’s completely customizable! Therefore, you’ll be able to buy each component on its own and build a perfect sound system for your needs. You could even mix and match different brands!

Surround Sound System

The option to customize the surround system to your liking will not only be great for those that consider themselves experts but also for everyone with larger spaces or weirdly shaped areas. That’s because the flexibility of the surround sound will allow you to surpass all of the audio and echo issues that can happen in different spaces. So, if you think the size or the shape of your living area will need a little extra effort for the space to be utilized, you should definitely go with the surround sound system.

In addition, most experts claim that surround sound systems do provide a better quality of sound. You will easily be able to find great, high-quality options on the market. Moreover, if you don’t like how a certain component sounds, you can always upgrade it and attach the new one in just a few simple steps.

Why a Surround Sound System Might Not be the Best Option for You

Everything we mentioned sounds great, doesn’t it? But, there are certain downsides to surround sound systems that we have to mention.

The Pricing

We already stated that a soundbar is usually a more affordable option. In fact, only one component of the surround sound system can cost more than a whole soundbar! Thus, in case you want to save some money, a surround sound system might not be for you.

The Larger Size

While this may not always be the case, most surround sound systems come with bigger equipment. As a result, they might look bulky and not as sleek as soundbars. Besides larger components, you will also have to think about ways to hide the cables that surround sound systems come with. However, with a bit of research, you will find great options on the market for hiding your cords and components. That way, you can make them fit into your living space and not stand out.

More Time and Effort

The customization comes with some downsides! For instance, you will have to spend much more time looking at specifications and examining the reviews of many different components in order to build the perfect system for yourself. Furthermore, we have to mention that, while a lot of surround sound systems are easily set up, they are still a more complicated option to configure than soundbars. Thus, you can either give up on the idea of having a surround sound system or be prepared to spend a little extra time and effort on perfecting it.

Is a Soundbar as Good as a Surround Sound – The Bottom Line

So, what is our final verdict? Well, if you’ve been following our article carefully, you can probably assume what we’re about to tell you: it depends! We know that we’re not making the decision easier for you. But, the final answer really depends on your preferences.

Technically, surround sound systems will give you better audio quality and are considered a more high-end option. However, as you probably concluded while reading this article, a soundbar can be just as good, and it has many upsides you will not find in a surround sound system. Therefore, we recommend you to make a list of all of the things that you need from your device and then compare it to the advantages and disadvantages of each product.

We hope we helped you with your decision. Good luck finding a perfect audio device for your home!

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